Packed up and leaving Ohio (2011-08-25)

Just a day out from Cleveland in Indiana (2011-08-26) - note: I'm actually wearing my Camelback, but discovered that it actually tired out my shoulders wearing it all the time over my jacket.

This is what it looked like in Wyoming (2011--09-01):

Wearing my new hi-vis jacket, above Prairie OR (2011-09-08):

This is just before getting home, in Lassen (2011-09-11):

On my way from California to Ohio, I realized that just trying to put the big stuff sacks on the back was not going to work - I wanted a waterproof duffel so that I wouldn't have to worry about stuffing things into smaller sacks. I attached it with a 6' motorcycle tiedown (double duty - in case I needed it for actually tying down the motorcycle) and a bungee through the handle on each side to the luggage rack.
I wasn't clever enough to take pictures of the contents - I am very impressed with the level of organization in some of these postings!
Basically it was like this:
Tank bag:
- bandanas x2
- headlamp
- maps
- phone
- gps
- Solio charger
- glasses/cases (I wear separate Rx glasses & sunglasses)
- sunblock (which I never used)
- hairbrush
Jacket pockets:
- phone
- camera
- wallet
- lip balm, antacid, bandana, tissues
Camelback backpack:
- 1.5 L water bladder
- a couple paperback books
- charger cables for phone & camera
- extra layer (or stuff in the jacket liner)
Cabela's waterproof duffel:
- North Face Bivy
- Sleeping bag
- very small hammock
- big agnes sleep pad
- Keen sandals inside (cheapie flip flops clipped to the outside)
- Clothing - probably took more than I should have but I didn't want to be doing laundry every two days!
Jandd cordura mountain bike panniers:
- toiletries
- towel
- swimsuit
- rain pants
- pack covers (for panniers & duffel - orange for visibility)
- food - lots of udon noodles & cubes of veggie stock, tea, miso, couscous, gravy packets, dried veggies, Bumble Bars
- spicewheel (from
- teeny stove & isopro fuel
- nesting pair of pans, bowl, insulated stainless steel cup
- Alite Monarch butterfly folding chair
- tool kit
- extra tube
I ended up making about 4 boxes back home to ship back tie downs, trinkets, gifts, broken glasses, sleeping bag, clothing & books I finished.
Next time - I'm just bringing the regular tent, not the bivy - unless it is >60 degrees at night, I just get too cold sleeping outdoors in a hammock or bivy. The bivy was fine in Illinois but in Iowa with storms coming in - it got too cold and I was up putting on all my layers at 2:30am.
That is - for a real camping trip. I think I might just take Custer SP Blue Bell Campground host Vern's suggestion and look at overnights at state parks and KOAs with cheap cabins for the next multi week road trip - there's so much less overhead in unpacking, setting up, breaking down and packing for a longer trip that it seems like it would be more fun (and lighter) that way.
Next time, I'll actually wear my sunblock on my face - or get some sort of UV block for my visor - I ended up with some solar radiation damage on my face between the bottom of my sunglasses where there is a gap above the bottom of the face opening.
I'll also make sure I have actual waterproofing on my coat!
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